What can we do for you
Our Services, Warranties, and Guarantees

Commercial Installations
Once a power bill for each month is provided we will create a design and proposal. Once the contract is signed an indepth site inspection will be performed. When all adjustments that are made to meet commercial guidlines permitting and grant writing (if reqired will begin). This can be an indepth and lengthy process, but once all is approved the installation will be performed in speedy and thorough manner. Once an inspection by the utiliy company is met. The savings will begin.

Residential Installations
The Process Once a power bill is provided we then create a design and proposal. Once the contract is signed a site inspection will be done and once the location is approve the permiting will be applied for. (this is the longest part of the process) After all the permitting is secured the installation will begin. After the instal there be a quick inspection by the utility company and once every thing is approved, it's lights on.

25-year Warrenty
All of our equipment comes with an industry standard 25-year warranty. Execpt for Batteries which are normally warrantied for 10-15 years depending on the manufacturer.

25-year Production Guarantee
Freedom Forever backs up their solar installations with a powerful promise. On top of the standard warranty, they offer a 25-year production guarantee. If your system generates less power than they predict, they'll pay you the difference. This unique guarantee ensures you get the energy savings you expect, truly delivering on their promise of freedom from high utility bills.

Post Install Monitoring
After your solar panel installation, you can monitor your system easily with our Enphase and Tesla apps. These tools allow you to track energy production, check system performance, and review your energy usage over time. With user-friendly interfaces, you can access reports and stay informed about your solar power right from your phone or computer.